Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

day after

  • 1 day after day

    day after day
    dia a dia, dia por dia, diariamente.
    day after day
    dia após dia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > day after day

  • 2 the day after the fair

    the day after the fair
    tarde demais.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > the day after the fair

  • 3 the day after tomorrow

    the day after tomorrow
    depois de amanhã.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > the day after tomorrow

  • 4 the day after

    the day after
    no dia seguinte.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > the day after

  • 5 day

    [dei] 1. noun
    1) (the period from sunrise to sunset: She worked all day; The days are warm but the nights are cold.) dia
    2) (a part of this period eg that part spent at work: How long is your working day?; The school day ends at 3 o'clock; I see him every day.) dia
    3) (the period of twenty-four hours from one midnight to the next: How many days are in the month of September?) dia
    4) ((often in plural) the period of, or of the greatest activity, influence, strength etc of (something or someone): in my grandfather's day; in the days of steam-power.) tempos
    - day-dream 2. verb
    She often day-dreams.) devanear
    - day school
    - daytime
    - call it a day
    - day by day
    - day in
    - day out
    - make someone's day
    - one day
    - some day
    - the other day
    * * *
    [dei] 1 dia, luz ou claridade do dia, luz, alvorada, o dia (da manhã à noite). 2 tempo, espaço de vinte e quatro horas (dia e noite): também chamado a mean solar day. 3 dia marcado para recepção. 4 época, era. she was a beauty in her day / ela foi uma beleza na sua época. 5 vida, existência, período de atividade, vitalidade ou prosperidade. 6 dia comemorativo. 7 luta, batalha, vitória. 8 qualquer tempo especificado. 9 dia de trabalho. 10 tempo, período. all day long o dia inteiro. All Soul’s Day Dia de Finados. an every day man homem comum. any day qualquer dia. better days período de prosperidade, dias melhores. by day de dia, durante o dia. by the day ao dia, por dia. Christmas Day Dia de Natal. day after day dia a dia, dia por dia, diariamente. day and night dia e noite. day by day, day in day out dia a dia, dia por dia, diariamente. dooms day dia do juízo. every day todos os dias, diariamente. every other day dia sim, dia não. every third day de três em três dias. evil days período de desgraça. for ever and a day para sempre. from this day on de hoje em diante. in bygone days antigamente, em tempos idos. in his younger days em sua infância, sua juventude. in my days nos meus dias, no tempo da minha vida. in the day-time de dia, durante o dia. in the good old days nos bons tempos de antigamente. in these days hoje em dia. let’s call it a day vamos parar com isto! (que estamos fazendo), vamos encerrar o assunto! vamos desistir disto! New Year’s Day Dia de Ano-Novo. one day, one of these days um dia, um dia desses. one of those days um dia em que tudo dá errado. on the following day no dia seguinte. pay-day dia de pagamento. per day, a day ao dia, por dia. some day qualquer dia futuro. the day after no dia seguinte. the day after the fair tarde demais. the day after tomorrow depois de amanhã. the day before yesterday anteontem. the other day há dias. the time of day a hora do dia. this day hoje. this very day ainda hoje. today hoje. to lose the day perder a batalha. to win/ gain the day vencer, conseguir a vitória. up to this day até o dia de hoje.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > day

  • 6 after

    1. preposition
    1) (later in time or place than: After the car came a bus.) depois
    2) (following (often indicating repetition): one thing after another; night after night.) após
    3) (behind: Shut the door after you!) atrás de
    4) (in search or pursuit of: He ran after the bus.) atrás de
    5) (considering: After all I've done you'd think he'd thank me; It's sad to fail after all that work.) depois
    6) ((American: in telling the time) past: It's a quarter after ten.) depois
    2. adverb
    (later in time or place: They arrived soon after.) depois
    3. conjunction
    (later than the time when: After she died we moved house twice.) depois
    - afterthought
    - afterwards
    - after all
    - be after
    * * *
    ['a:ftə; 'æftə] adj 1 subseqüente, ulterior, posterior, seguinte. 2 Naut de popa ou ré. • adv 1 atrás, detrás, em seguida. the dog trots after him / o cão corre atrás dele. 2 depois, após, posteriormente. this was after I had married / isto foi após o meu casamento. • conj depois que, logo que. • prep 1 atrás de, após, depois de. what are you after? / atrás de que você anda? 2 em seguimento a, em seqüência a. 3 em perseguição de, ao encalço de. 4 acerca de, a respeito de, sobre. 5 por causa de, em conseqüência de. I was named after my grandmother / eu recebi o nome da minha avó. 6 à maneira de, à moda de. 7 abaixo de, inferior a. 8 segundo, de acordo com, conforme. 9 em atenção a, em consideração a, em homenagem a. after all afinal. after date of delivery após a data de entrega. after death the doctor trancar a porta depois que o ladrão entrou. after hours após o expediente. after this fashion deste modo. day after day dia após dia. in after years em anos vindouros. six months after seis meses depois. the after sail a vela de popa. the day after tomorrow depois de amanhã. the month after next o mês após o próximo. the morning after na manhã seguinte. to ask after perguntar por. to follow after seguir imediatamente. to long after pretender, desejar alguma coisa, ter saudade de. to look after tomar conta de, cuidar de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > after

  • 7 Boxing day

    (December 26, the day after Christmas day.) dia 26 de Dezembro

    English-Portuguese dictionary > Boxing day

  • 8 Boxing day

    (December 26, the day after Christmas day.) dia seguinte ao Natal

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > Boxing day

  • 9 tomorrow

    noun, adverb
    1) ((on) the day after today: Tomorrow is Saturday; The news will be announced tomorrow.) amanhã
    2) ((in) the future: tomorrow's world.) amanhã
    * * *
    [təm'ɔrou] n dia de amanhã. • adv amanhã. the day after tomorrow depois de amanhã. tomorrow’s de amanhã.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tomorrow

  • 10 enlist

    1) (to join an army etc: My father enlisted on the day after war was declared.) alistar-se
    2) (to obtain the support and help of: He has enlisted George to help him organize the party.) recrutar
    3) (to obtain (support and help) from someone: They enlisted the support of five hundred people for their campaign.) conseguir
    * * *
    [inl'ist] vt 1 Mil alistar(-se), recrutar, sentar praça, servir no exército. 2 inscrever(-se). 3 registrar. 4 atrair, interessar, angariar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > enlist

  • 11 stiff

    1) (rigid or firm, and not easily bent, folded etc: He has walked with a stiff leg since he injured his knee; stiff cardboard.) rígido
    2) (moving, or moved, with difficulty, pain etc: I can't turn the key - the lock is stiff; I woke up with a stiff neck; I felt stiff the day after the climb.) duro
    3) ((of a cooking mixture etc) thick, and not flowing: a stiff dough.) espesso
    4) (difficult to do: a stiff examination.) difícil
    5) (strong: a stiff breeze.) forte
    6) ((of a person or his manner etc) formal and unfriendly: I received a stiff note from the bank manager.) formal
    - stiffness
    - stiffen
    - stiffening
    - bore
    - scare stiff
    * * *
    [stif] n 1 sl cadáver. 2 sl pessoa formal, cerimoniosa. 3 Amer sl pessoa desajeitada, caipira. 4 sl pessoa bêbada. 5 sl trabalhador migrante, trabalhador braçal. • vt sl 1 enganar, trapacear, ludibriar. 2 tratar rudemente, ser injusto com. 3 fracassar comercialmente. • adj 1 duro, rijo, teso. 2 firme, duro de mover. 3 inflexível, tenso. 4 apertado, esticado. 5 espesso, viscoso. 6 denso, compacto. 7 formal, afetado, constrangido, cerimonioso. he’s as stiff as a poker / ele é excessivamente formal (ou cerimonioso). 8 forte, constante (vento). 9 severo, rigoroso. 10 obstinado, persistente. 11 forte, com muito álcool. 12 coll alto, salgado (fig, falando de preço), excessivo. 13 entrevado, emperrado. 14 dolorido. 15 teimoso, intransigente. 16 formal, frio. 17 sl bêbado. • adv 1 duramente, rijamente. 2 muito, extremamente. it bored me stiff / foi muito cansativo ou enfadonho para mim. 3 totalmente. to bore someone stiff aborrecer alguém com conversa chata. to keep a stiff upper lip agüentar firme. to scare someone stiff assustar alguém, amedrontar alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stiff

  • 12 Whit Monday

    noun (the day after Whit Sunday.)

    English-Portuguese dictionary > Whit Monday

  • 13 enlist

    1) (to join an army etc: My father enlisted on the day after war was declared.) alistar(-se)
    2) (to obtain the support and help of: He has enlisted George to help him organize the party.) recrutar
    3) (to obtain (support and help) from someone: They enlisted the support of five hundred people for their campaign.) angariar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > enlist

  • 14 stiff

    1) (rigid or firm, and not easily bent, folded etc: He has walked with a stiff leg since he injured his knee; stiff cardboard.) rijo
    2) (moving, or moved, with difficulty, pain etc: I can't turn the key - the lock is stiff; I woke up with a stiff neck; I felt stiff the day after the climb.) duro, rígido
    3) ((of a cooking mixture etc) thick, and not flowing: a stiff dough.) consistente
    4) (difficult to do: a stiff examination.) difícil
    5) (strong: a stiff breeze.) forte
    6) ((of a person or his manner etc) formal and unfriendly: I received a stiff note from the bank manager.) frio
    - stiffness - stiffen - stiffening - bore - scare stiff

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > stiff

  • 15 tomorrow

    noun, adverb
    1) ((on) the day after today: Tomorrow is Saturday; The news will be announced tomorrow.) amanhã
    2) ((in) the future: tomorrow's world.) amanhã

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > tomorrow

  • 16 Whit Monday

    noun (the day after Whit Sunday.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > Whit Monday

  • 17 late

    [leit] 1. adjective
    1) (coming etc after the expected or usual time: The train is late tonight; I try to be punctual but I am always late.) tarde
    2) (far on in the day or night: late in the day; late at night; It was very late when I got to bed.) tarde
    3) (dead, especially recently: the late king.) falecido
    4) (recently, but no longer, holding an office or position: Mr Allan, the late chairman, made a speech.) recente
    2. adverb
    1) (after the expected or usual time: He arrived late for his interview.) tarde
    2) (far on in the day or night: They always go to bed late.) tarde
    - lately
    - later on
    - of late
    * * *
    [l'eit] adj 1 tardio. 2 atrasado, demorado. 3 perto do fim. 4 último, recente. 5 recém-falecido. • adv 1 tarde. 2 até tarde. 3 no fim. 4 recentemente. better late than never antes tarde do que nunca. later on mais tarde. my late father meu falecido pai. of late ultimamente, nos últimos tempos. of late years nos últimos anos. the late o recentemente demissionário ou falecido. the late teacher o antigo professor. to be late estar atrasado. to come at late hour vir tarde. to grow late fazer-se tarde. to keep late hours recolher-se tarde.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > late

  • 18 late

    [leit] 1. adjective
    1) (coming etc after the expected or usual time: The train is late tonight; I try to be punctual but I am always late.) atrasado
    2) (far on in the day or night: late in the day; late at night; It was very late when I got to bed.) tarde
    3) (dead, especially recently: the late king.) falecido
    4) (recently, but no longer, holding an office or position: Mr Allan, the late chairman, made a speech.) antigo
    2. adverb
    1) (after the expected or usual time: He arrived late for his interview.) com atraso
    2) (far on in the day or night: They always go to bed late.) tarde
    - lately - later on - of late

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > late

  • 19 alternate

    1. ['o:ltəneit] verb
    (to use, do etc by turns, repeatedly, one after the other: John alternates between teaching and studying; He tried to alternate red and yellow tulips along the path as he planted them.) alternar
    2. [o:l'tə:nət] adjective
    1) (coming, happening etc in turns, one after the other: The water came in alternate bursts of hot and cold.) alternado
    2) (every second (day, week etc): My friend and I take the children to school on alternate days.) alternado
    - alternation
    * * *
    [ɔ:lt'ə:nit] n substituto alternativo. • ['ɔ:ltəneit] vt+vi 1 alternar(-se), revezar(-se). 2 suceder alternadamente, dispor em ordem alternada. 3 substituir regularmente. 4 intercambiar, permutar. 5 Electr alternar corrente. 6 produzir ou acionar por corrente alternada. • [ɔ:lt'ə:nit] adj 1 alterno (também Bot), alternado, revezado. 2 recíproco. alternate angles ângulos alternos. on each alternate day de dois em dois dias, dia sim, dia não.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > alternate

  • 20 hour

    1) (sixty minutes, the twenty-fourth part of a day: He spent an hour trying to start the car this morning; She'll be home in half an hour; a five-hour delay.) hora
    2) (the time at which a particular thing happens: when the hour for action arrives; He helped me in my hour of need; You can consult him during business hours.) hora
    - hour-glass
    - hour hand
    - at all hours
    - for hours
    - on the hour
    * * *
    ['auə] n 1 hora. 2 tempo. 3 período. 4 momento. 5 grau de longitude. at all hours, at all hours of the day and night o tempo todo, a qualquer hora do dia ou da noite. for hours por um longo tempo. hour after hour, for hour after hour por um longo tempo sem mudança. out of hours fora do horário. the small hours a madrugada. till all hours até muito tarde da noite.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hour

См. также в других словарях:

  • day after — {{hw}}{{day after}}{{/hw}}locuz. sost. m. inv. Il giorno successivo alla catastrofe provocata da una guerra nucleare | (est.) Il giorno successivo ad un avvenimento importante. ETIMOLOGIA: locuz. ingl., propr. ‘giorno (day) dopo (after)’ dal… …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • Day After Day — may refer to: Day After Day (song), a song by Badfinger Day After Day: Live, an album by Badfinger Day After Day (Def Leppard song) Day After Day (Elnur Hüseynov and Samir Javadzadeh song) Dag efter dag (English: Day after day ), a song by Chips… …   Wikipedia

  • Day after tomorrow — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda day after tomorrow (también conocido como dat) es una banda compuesta de tres miembros que pertenecieron al sello avex trax. La banda fue apadrinada por el ex miembro de la banda Every Little Thing llamado Mitsuru… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Day After Tomorrow (band) — Day After Tomorrow Origin Japan Genres Pop Years active 2002 (2002)–2005 Labels Avex Trax …   Wikipedia

  • Day After Day: Live — Live album by Badfinger Released September 24, 1990 Re …   Wikipedia

  • Day After Tomorrow (Day After Tomorrow album) — Day After Tomorrow Studio album by Day After Tomorrow Released August 7, 2002 …   Wikipedia

  • Day After Tomorrow II — Studio album by Day After Tomorrow Released 20 November 2002 Genre …   Wikipedia

  • Day After Tomorrow (Joan Baez album) — Day After Tomorrow Studio album by Joan Baez Released September 9, 2008 …   Wikipedia

  • Day after tomorrow — Pour les articles homonymes, voir DAT. day after tomorrow est un groupe de Jpop, surnommé dat en minuscules, qui commence sa carrière en 2002. Le groupe est créé mais uniquement produit par Mitsuru Igarashi, ex membre et producteur d Every Little …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Day After Day (Def Leppard song) — Day After Day Single by Def Leppard from the album Euphoria Released 2000 Format CD Genre …   Wikipedia

  • Day after day — Day Day (d[=a]), n. [OE. day, dai, dei, AS. d[ae]g; akin to OS., D., Dan., & Sw. dag, G. tag, Icel. dagr, Goth. dags; cf. Skr. dah (for dhagh ?) to burn. [root]69. Cf. {Dawn}.] 1. The time of light, or interval between one night and the next; the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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